Intoducing, the newest member of the Falcon Clan, BONSAI!
Bonsai is a mixed breed Bichon Frise/Poodle. He should weigh between 15-18 pounds as an adult. He does not shed, and is hypo-allergenic. So far, he has shown us that he likes to eat, does not like to be on his leash, and does not think that grass and going to the bathroom have anything to do with each other, that's what the kitchen floor is for donche know?! Bruce wanted to name him Hannibal, Thor, or Gengis Khan. Christian wanted Fang, Caleb wanted Rex, Gabriel wanted Cha-cha or Jumbo, and I was pulling for Cash (short for Cashmere), Cotton, or Chaos. In the end we each circled all the names that we liked and the one that had the most circles won. He cried last night, very loudly, from 4:30 am until the boys got up and set him free at 7:30 am, showing us another aspect of his personality, tenacity!
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