The Falcon's Nest

We have moved over 1300 miles away from our families and friends and I thought that this might be a great way to keep in touch!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Thought of the day...

Last night I posted most of the photos that I have of our new home so that our family and friends might have a sense of the space that we're occupying now, and so that when I start to wax lyrical about where I want to plant something that they might have a better visual of it. My grandmother's cousin, Mary Jo Ann, and her daughter, Lisa, drove over from Edina yesterday and we went to lunch together at The Victoria House. Afterward they stopped by to see the house, Mary Jo had seen it before we closed on it, but Lisa never had. With cardboard boxes everywhere and laundry waiting to be folded, it was not how I would have liked them to see it, but they were very gracious and said that they preferred to see it that way! We had a very nice visit. Well, I have to take the two older boys to swim lessons now. Maybe I'll get some photos there to add later. Love and miss all of you!


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