The Falcon's Nest

We have moved over 1300 miles away from our families and friends and I thought that this might be a great way to keep in touch!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

He's such a petite and delicate young thing

STS vs St. John's

Bringing it downcourt
I'm down on my knees,
Begging ya please...
Doing the Bump!
Sexy, sexy!

Leaping Lizzards, Batman!

CJ at Intramurals

X's First Game of the New Year

My Sweetie - First Picture Taken With My New Camera

The Christmas Card Photos You Didn't Get to See

The Boys Are Back in Town, Boys Are Back in Town...

We are the Falcons,
The mighty, mighty Falcons.
Everywhere we go,
People want to know,
Who we are.
So we tell them.
We are the Falcons,
The mighty, mighty Falcons!
All smiles!

CJ's cracking up and CX has fallen asleep. Notice GE's war wounds. The older boys are all old pros at this group shot thing!

We are Family!

Mother and son. Ain't we cute!
Billy the Brilliant!
Why I oughta!

Rob the Resplendent!

The balls in the bowl go round and round, round and round, round and round...

We spent close to an hour at this display, adjusting angles and speed of entry to see how it impacted the balls' orbit.

Houston, we have a problem, there is no pizza delivery here!

I don't wanna work. I just wanna bang on my drums all day!

Boy in the Bubble

Going Interactive at the Children's Science Museum in Hartford, CT - November 2007

Our Traditional After Concert Photos with Mary Jo Ann

CJ's First Orchestra Concert!