The Falcon's Nest

We have moved over 1300 miles away from our families and friends and I thought that this might be a great way to keep in touch!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Wha'cha Gonna Do When Tim Comes For You?!

Janet Sutton / The Free Press
Derek Level “Twin” Suggs is escorted by U.S. Marshall Special Deputy Tim McInerney, left, into the Kinston Department of Public Safety on Tuesday after Suggs was captured in an apartment in Raleigh.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Caleb found a piece of gold - "No, MOM, Really!!"

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Sand Castle Contest on the 4th

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The Boys at the park on the 4th of July

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More Parade Shots...

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4th of July Children's Parade in Excelsior, MN

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July 3, 2006 Wild Dance Party at the Nivens!

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Friday, July 14, 2006

May 7, 2006 - Christian's First Communion - Our Priest, Fr. Doug Dandurand, and Deacon, Bill Heiman

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Blessing of the Eucharist

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Christian recieves his First Communion

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The music during the mass was beautiful!

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All of the St. Therese First Communicants Posted by Picasa

Christian and the tall girls! Posted by Picasa

Christian's Second Grade Class Posted by Picasa

First Communion Banners

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